Fighting Malnutrition – The famous Gandhian activist and philosopher Saint Vinoba Bhave was of the opinion that communities should try to resolve their problems among themselves. This can be done by way of mutual cooperation, sharing of available resources and community work. During the days of draughts and famines he put forth the concept of “Sarvodaya Patra “- a container that helps the poor fight hunger. A “Sarvodaya Patra” can be any container in our house in which we are supposed to put a handful of food grains every day before we start cooking. The beauty behind the concept is that we don’t donate the food grains. We ourselves consume a little lesser everyday and once the container is full, we give it to someone needy. This means we share the available quantity of food grains with others in the society who cannot buy it because of scarcity of food grains or because of poverty.
This project has been taken up by our organization since July 2018. Special events are organized at regular intervals to distribute hampers containing food grains, milk cartons, nuts and oil among pregnant women and children through ICDS and other institutions.